

Children’s Ministries

  • Nursery– Provided for newborn to kindergarten age during worship service.
  • Sunday School Classes– 11:00 am Sunday. Provided for three year old’s on up. We include bible stories, music and bible learning projects.
  • Junior Church– Children are dismissed after the children’s sermon during the beginning of service to attend Junior Church in one of the classrooms, where fun learning activities are provided.
  • VBS Bible School– A week long summer program during the end of June provided for ages preschool thru fifth grade.


Youth Ministries

  • Puppet Ministry– “God Rocks” puppet teams meets each Sunday at 11:00 am and performs at special events and in worship. This program is for youth fifth grade thru high school. Call the church office for more details
  • Youth Group– Coming Soon!!
  • Confirmation Class– Classes provided yearly by the Pastor for training youth in the Christian faith life.


Adult Ministries

  • Adult Sunday School Classes– 11:00 am-12:00 pm on Sunday. Several classes to chose from.
  • Small Group Studies– Contact the church to see what studies are currently taking place.
  • Worship Choir– Open to all persons desiring to praise God in song. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 6:45 pm September-May
  • Womans Circle– Meets the third Tuesday of each month for fellowship and a business meeting at 2pm
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry– Open to anyone wanting to join. Meets at 9:30 am every Wednesday morning at the church. Doesnt meet in December

Call the church office for more details
