Emergency Fund Application

Here at the Byron Methodist Church we want to be able to help as much as we can

That being said……..If you have a burden beyond your controle, we might be able to help.  Small or Big we can try.


Copys of……

1. The Reason for help

2. Drivers License

3. Application

Once we have copies of all of that we can determine if we can help.

It may take 24-48 hours to make a decition.  If we recive your application Thurday, you might not here from us until we open back up the following week

Please fill out the application below and return it to the office secretary with the other requirements during office hours. You can also email all requirements to byronmethodist101@gmail.com


If you have any quesions please call 810-266-4976

Have a beautiful blessed day


If you would like to donate to this fund you can drop off donations to the office during business hours….thank you